For the true scoop, your LakeCountyEye's special operative worked the crowd of tea baggers and reports a good time was had by all. Ten things overheard:
1) One lump or two?
2) I don't want the government anywhere near my Medicare.
3) Me neither, Mr. Crane.
4) Is this where the line starts to the meth panel?
5) Hello, my name is Pat Brady. Have you ever considered a run for Congress? Excellent health benefits.
6) I am Rowan Atkinson's #1 fan!
7) Have you signed this Melissa Bean nominating petition yet?
8) McSweeney and Greenberg need rides. Anyone?
9) My insurance company won't cover cognitive dissonance.
10) You can give me affordable government health insurance when you pry it from my cold dead fingers.
1 comment:
The tea baggers are incapable of thinking for themselves. They just regurgitate right wing sound pieces. The Daily Herald as we clearly know is a Republican leaning paper.
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