Never ask a question which you do not know the answer.The #1 Rule in politics is ...
Never let a voter ask a question which you do not know the answer.Vestigial Lake County Congressman, Peter Roskam learned this rule the hard way. Roskam's office snubbed a group of constituents yesterday, rather than attend a meeting that was scheduled to discuss Obamacare:
A group of 16 constituents that arranged to meet with staff members at the West Chicago district office of U.S. Rep. Peter Roskam (R-Wheaton) Wednesday about their concerns with a repeal of the Affordable Care Act were abruptly told they would have to reschedule after staff realized a member of the press was present.The constituents included a cancer survivor and other at-risk patients. They arranged the meeting at Cong. Roskam's office to evaluate the impact a repeal of Obamacare would have on ordinary people's lives.
Rep. Roskam's office cancels ACA meeting when reporter shows up
"I am flabbergasted that Peter Roskam and his staff would turn us away," the constituent said. "They didn't have the courtesy to listen to us. We are a peaceful group."An official spokesman issued a statement to explain why Peter Roskam did not meet with his constituents to discuss Obamacare: "Congressman Roskam called in sick today."
Rep. Roskam's office cancels ACA meeting when reporter shows up
Your LakeCountyEye will keep you apprised when further developments warrant.
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